Constitutional law regulation of the system of principles of electoral law: comparative legal analysis
constitutional regulation, electoral rights of citizens, international electoral standards, universal suffrage, principles of suffrageAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of issues of electoral law comparatively, and also states that elections are an integral element of the public and political life of the state. It is sets forth forcibly that one of the most important areas of reforming the political system, the formation of democratic electoral law and the continuous improvement of the electoral system. The principles of electoral law are considered, which are fundamental principles, rules, requirements, as well as the foundation of the legal regulation of electoral relations. When studying the electoral law comparatively, one should pay attention to its sources, which include international
standards of electoral rights, constitutions of states and other legal acts of foreign electoral legislation. Of great importance is the analysis of the sources of the electoral law of both the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, their classification and comparative legal study. In all complex democratic states, elections are an integral element of social and political life. Therefore, there is no doubt that for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation one of the most important areas of reforming the political system is the formation of democratic electoral law and the continuous improvement of the electoral system. In the
conclusion of the presented research, it is summed up that the principles of electoral law correspond to the provisions on general principles of law to the maximum.