Foreign experience in prevention of religious extremism and terrorism and its applicationin the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • M.M. Rakhimbekov
  • L.Ch. Sydykova


religious extremism, Foreign experience, experience of Great Britain and France, prevention of extremism


In this article, the example of Great Britain and France analyzed the legal experience of foreign countries in the sphere of preventing religious extremism. A study of the religious situation in these countries showed that the main pan-European tendencies in the whole religious sphere are the processes of secularization and the involvement of religion (its distorted image) in world geopolitics to create a conflict-prone environment. For Kazakhstan, as a participant of globalization processes, this global trend is important in the aspect of building its own model of counteraction to emerging risks, as these tendencies are directly related to the problem of preventing religious extremism. Issues of building and implementing legal instruments of regulation in the religious sphere, which reduce the risks of propaganda in the society of the ideology of religious radicalism and terrorism, remain topical. Assessing the experience of developed countries of Western Europe in the field of countering religious extremism, the authors comes to the conclusion that some foreign tools for resolving extremist issues can significantly enrich the domestic system of preventing religious extremism. The article attempts to systematize the existing foreign experience in improving anti-extremist legislation and law enforcement. Based on the study of legislation and practical experience of the UK, a conclusion is drawn on the need for effective involvement of non-governmental organizations in this work. The emphasis is on improving the quality of their work. UK experience in the implementation of the «Preventing Violent Extremism» program shows that the emphasis in prevention activities exclusively
in Muslim (in a broad sense) communities is counterproductive. On the example of France, the expediency of seizing identity documents from persons suspected of involvement in extremist (terrorist) activities was emphasized.




