The essence and the problem of corporate agreement


  • А.А. Nukusheva
  • L.V. Kudryavtseva
  • S. Alexandrov


corporate agreement, shareholders' agreement, business relationship, a legal entity, business partnerships of the Republic of Kazakhstan, joint-stock companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the commercial company of the Russian Federation, participants in a business partnership and society, the functioning of economic society, organizational-legal form


In order to achieve the objectives of the partnership of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, one must pay great attention to the legal regulation of the activities of economic actors. There are many legal institutions that regulate certain relationships among given entities. The economy of Kazakhstan and Russia need intensive development, but this cannot be achieved without proper legal regulation of relations between economic players, namely entrepreneurship. Regulation of business relations, both in Kazakhstan and in Russia has its own characteristics, given relationships are young and new to our society, so they can look for when examining issues of Kazakhstan and Russian law. The article focuses on such business relations Institute as a corporate agreement, the essence of this institution, based on the characteristics of entrepreneurial agreement. In order to improve the investment climate in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of suggestions for further improvement of corporate legislation are encouraged to carefully examining both positive and negative experience of legal Institute of corporate management agreement in the Russian Federation to continue its work on the elaboration of a draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on making amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement regulating entrepreneurial activities».




