On some terminological and logical errors in the definition of violence in the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
violence, violence dangerous to life or health, violence that is not dangerous to life or health, harm to health, physical and / or mental sufferingAbstract
This article examines a significant amount of criminal law that contains an indication of the violent form of committing criminal punishments as constitutive or qualifying signs of the corresponding acts. However, the textual design of some form of violent behavior is in many cases heterogeneous, which is due in large part to the lack of a legal definition of the most common forms of violence in criminal legislation. The article undergoes a complete analysis of certain issues of legislative techniques in the formulation and interpretation of typical forms of violent behavior. Violence in its various forms and varying degrees of intensity of expression finds its textual reflection in a large number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Criminal violence, as the most malignant type of social violence, represents the most acute global problem of modern civilization. The social price of criminal violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan is enormous today. This article explores the full range of criminal law norms that are aimed at combating criminal violence. The author considers the ost common in the criminal law textual formulations of cases of violence, the legal definition
of which is absent to date.