Legal basics of tax planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • A.A. Turuntayeva


taxes, tax plan, tax obligations, tax incentives, investment policy, control, tax functions, tax planning stages, tax code, program, legal and physical person, tax policy


The basis for tax planning is to take into account the main areas of development of the state's tax, budget and investment policies; maintaining accounting policy of the enterprise; fulfillment of the tax liability of the taxpayer with full and correct application of all tax privileges established by law; prolongation of tax payment, assessment of the possibility of obtaining tax and investment benefits, etc. such factors are recognized.Tax planning functions like operative, control, planning. Tax planning can be considered as a three-tier system that includes operational, tactical and strategic elements. Tax planning involves strategic and operational (operational) stages, which are relevant to the nature of the issue and the impact of taxation on the ultimate outcome of the business entity's financial performance. Since the state tax planning is mainly carried out in the form of current tax planning, it is associated with the formation of a tax revenue plan for the fiscal year and includes methods that ensure compliance with tax obligations. In the case of public tax planning, tax-based assumptions are formulated on the basis of budgetary allocations and are listed in the country's socio-economic development programs. This program defines the economic legacy, legal principles and
scientific conclusions that form the basis for the adoption of the principles and provisions of taxation, taxation and financial matters (normative acts adopted on taxation, the tax code, as amended and supplemented, is a single taxation instrument for legal entities and individuals in all areas of service).




