To the question of objects of inherited relation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
inheritance law, objects of inheritance relationship, inheritance property, inheritance mass, inheritance, composition of inheritanceAbstract
Inheritance law belongs to one of the most demanded in the practical respect sub-sectors of civil law and is known to all modern legal systems. The study of current problems of inheritance law in the Republic of Kazakhstan is of particular value, since inheritance preserves the inextricable link between generations and indirectly contributes to the stabilization and development of civil turnover.
With the transition of Kazakhstan to the market economy, privatization, establishment of entrepreneurial activity freedom and other reforms, the range of objects of private property rights of individuals has broadened significantly which leads to an increase in the interest in Kazakhstani society in applying its forces and labor to generate income from generation to generation. The object of the hereditary legal relationship is inheritance (hereditary property, «hereditary mass»), passing to the heirs. Based on the analysis of the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the CIS countries and other countries different approaches to determining inheritance have been identified. When writing the article there were analyzed various points of different periods scholars’ view - prerevolutionary, Soviet and modern which are set out in textbooks, monographs, scientific articles, doctoral and candidate
dissertations concerning such a concept as «inheritance», «hereditary property», «hereditary weight». It was concluded that unfortunately in our national legal doctrine there is obviously not enough work of the appropriate kind devoted to this problem, therefore, scientific research on this topic is relevant nowadays.