International legal regulation of elections


  • K.S. Musin


suffrage, international suffrage, international observer, international institute of election observation, electoral process, international principles of elections


The article is devoted to the principles of international legal regulation of elections. An important feature of any democratic state is the participation of its citizens in the election of officials and public authorities, as well as local government. The author's right to vote is a set of legal norms governing public relations that arise during the election of public officials and bodies. At present, the electoral law in any country in the world is institutionalized on the basis of constitutions. The electoral process is the action of different participants, which are regulated by the right to vote for the preparation and conduct of elections. The status, competence and authority for the preparation and conduct of general elections, as well as the provision and protection of citizens' rights and freedoms, as well as control over their execution, are vested in the electoral bodies established by the constitution and by legislative acts. The rights of the national observer may be exercised by candidates and political parties (unions) in the manner and manner prescribed by law. Electoral bodies and other bodies and organizations may have the authority to monitor national observers and other interested parties in elections based on democratic election technologies, national election legislation, electoral standards, the basis of electoral rights and freedoms of a person and citizen. international conventions on human rights and political rights of citizens in the electoral process were widely covered and differentiated.




